Usage: add <channel or *> <nick or userhost> <level> [<aop>] [<prot_level>] [<passwd>]
Adds someone on all chanels (*) or a certain channel
Level - can be between 0 and 99, inclusive
AOP - either 0 or 1 (0 = no, 1 = yes)
Prot - can be 0 through 4
0 - no protection
1 - reop/unban, do nothing to offender
2 - reop/unban, deop offender
3 - reop/unban, kick offender
4 - reop/unban, kickban offender
Passwd - Assigns the person a password
Note: If no args are given except the userlevel, all others are
assumed to be 0 with no passwd