The IncuBot User's Manual - The !fork Command                   

Usage: !fork <new nickname> [new username] [new ircname]

Example: !fork CTim2 ctim2 /msg CTim2 help

Userlevel required: 150

Purpose: !fork is used to create a new bot (when you want to
start a new bot, or when a bot has died). It inherits all channels and
servers from its father, except for nickname, username and ircname,
which can be defined.

                 Bot selection                                   
[ComBot-2.00] [EnergyMech-2.1.2] [fRitE-4-alpha] [fRitE+-]
[HipBot-2.1h] [Incubot-1.02c]    [Mikribot-2022] [VladBot-2.2i]

                 Quick links                                     
[Index]  [Basic stuff]  [All Commands]  [Source]  []

 [07:16] [webuser(+i)] [7:incunet/#mikri-help(+ps)] [Act: 1]     