Following commands can be used to control the bot. To get more
information, try /msg fRitE help <command>.

	info	 time	 lyrics	 dance
	list	 quote	 mail	 dice
	lyrics	 sing	 rap	 bulletin
	ascii	 8ball	 news	 global
	note	 ping	 quote	 last10
	bonk	 insult	 away	 heart
	lastlog	 inform	 rinform informlist
	nick	 msg	 ctcp	 reply
	server	 quit	 spymsg	 rspymsg
	spylist	 fork	 die	 chaccess
	say	 me	 flash	 tsuban
	tsunami	 dccbomb keybomb tsusignoff
	rehash	 reboot	 do	 nickflood
	toglog	 togbonk toggreet
	rrpub	 rrbonk

                 Bot selection                                   
[ComBot-2.00] [EnergyMech-2.1.2] [fRitE-4-alpha] [fRitE+-]
[HipBot-2.1h] [Incubot-1.02c]    [Mikribot-2022] [VladBot-2.2i]

                 Quick links                                     
[Index]  [Basic stuff]  [All Commands]  [Source]  []

 [07:15] [webuser(+i)] [7:incunet/#mikri-help(+ps)] [Act: 1]     