iThe Mikribot User's Manual - Basic Commands                     

The following commands can be used to control the bot. To get
more information, try /msg Mikribot help <command>. Notice that
when using a command in public, a '!' should precede the command.
Private sent commands don't require a leading '!'.

        WHOAMI          INFO            HELP
        TIME            CHAT            LISTDCC
        OP              PASSWD          CHPASSWD
        GIVEOP          DEOP            ONE

                 Bot selection                                   
[ComBot-2.00] [EnergyMech-2.1.2] [fRitE-4-alpha] [fRitE+-]
[HipBot-2.1h] [Incubot-1.02c]    [Mikribot-2022] [VladBot-2.2i]

                 Quick links                                     
[Index]  [Basic stuff]  [All Commands]  [Source]  []

 [08:25] [webuser(+i)] [7:incunet/#mikri-help(+ps)] [Act: 1]     