The IncuBot User's Manual - Access Level Maintenen              

Well... here it is... all the commands available to manage
userlists, nicks, etc.

 nuseradd        nprotadd        nshitadd        exadd
 useradd         protadd         shitadd         exdel
 nuserdel        protdel         shitdel         exlist
 chuserlevel     protwrite       shitwrite       exwrite
 nchuserlevel    protlist        shitlist        exwhois
 userdel         passwd          npewpadd        exunban
 userlist        passwdop        pewpadd         emailadd
 userwrite       passwdadd       whyshitted      showemail
 showusers       passwdwrite     whoshitted      myemail
 whois           showpasswd      whenshitted     emaillist
 nwhois          nshowpasswd     chshitmask      mynick
 whoami          mailpasswd      chshitreason    nickadd
 seen            nlock           chwhenshitted   expireadd
 showseen        showlocked      chwhoshitted    expiredel
 userinfo        unlock          chshitlevel     expirelist
 nuserinfo       nshowauth                       expirewrite
                 Bot selection                                   
[ComBot-2.00] [EnergyMech-2.1.2] [fRitE-4-alpha] [fRitE+-]
[HipBot-2.1h] [Incubot-1.02c]    [Mikribot-2022] [VladBot-2.2i]

                 Quick links                                     
[Index]  [Basic stuff]  [All Commands]  [Source]  []

 [03:23] [webuser(+i)] [7:incunet/#mikri-help(+ps)] [Act: 1]     